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8 Game-Changing Ways to Search Your Twitter Bookmarks with Tweetsmash

Unlock the power of precise search, multilingual support, and advanced filters with Tweetsmash, and rediscover Twitter bookmarks exactly as you remember them

In today's digital age, Twitter stands tall as a haven for content creators and business professionals. Yet, as valuable as Twitter's bookmarking feature is for preserving essential content, it lacks one vital function: the ability to search within those bookmarks. So, can you search your Twitter bookmarks? Until recently, the answer was a disappointing no. However, with the introduction of Tweetsmash, you now have the perfect solution at hand. Tailored to enhance your Twitter experience, Tweetsmash offers seamless ways to search, filter, and access your Twitter bookmarks.

1. Full-Text Search: Find What You Remember

Ever wondered, how to search in your Twitter bookmarks? With Tweetsmash’s full-text search, even if you remember just a snippet of a tweet or a topic, you're set. Key in terms like “SEO tactics” or “podcasting essentials,” and every relevant tweet you've saved pops up, answering your query in an instant.

2. Author-Centric Searches

Gone are the days of scrolling endlessly to find that one tweet from an industry expert. With Tweetsmash’s author search, just type in the name or handle, and behold, every bookmarked tweet from that author is displayed.

Search authors in Twitter Bookmarks

Refine your results to perfection:

  • Tweet Types: From threads to media, long-form tweets, and conversations.
  • Content: Prefer tweets with links? Maybe from a specific year? Get exactly what you want.
  • Labels and Authors: Label your bookmarks? Search using them. Want tweets from specific authors? There's a drop-down for that!

4. Exclude Unwanted Terms with Ease

If you're looking for insights on "content strategy" but wish to avoid tweets mentioning "podcasts", just input "content strategy !podcasts". Tweetsmash ensures tweets that explicitly mention "podcasts" are filtered out, keeping your search precise.

Exclude keyword while searching Twitter Bookmarks

5. Multilingual Support: No Tweet Left Behind

Whether you've bookmarked tweets in Japanese, Chinese, or any other major language, Tweetsmash's robust multilingual support ensures you never lose out.

Multilingual search in Twitter Bookmarks

6. A User-Friendly Interface: Search, the Way You Like It

With its intuitive interface, Tweetsmash makes the search process as natural as typing out a tweet. The video guide walks you through every step, ensuring you make the most of what Tweetsmash offers.

7. Seamless Search-to-PDF Export

Tweetsmash isn't just a search solution; it's a curator of content. Whether you're curating insights for a presentation, extracting data for an article, or merely wanting to archive your findings, Tweetsmash offers a flawless transition. Transform your tailored search results into a sleek PDF in mere moments, ready for sharing, printing, or reviewing at your leisure.

Export your search results as a PDF with our step-by-step guide.

Export search results as PDF

8. Get Started Today

Join the community of savvy Twitter users who've elevated their bookmarking game. Dive into Tweetsmash and experience a streamlined way to navigate your Twitter bookmarks.


To answer the burning question, "Can you search your Twitter bookmarks?" – with Tweetsmash, you absolutely can. This tool isn't just about searching; it's about rediscovering the treasure trove of knowledge you've accumulated over time. Dive into the world of Tweetsmash and experience Twitter like never before!

From Bookmarks to Wisdom. Dive Deeper with Us!

Managing Twitter bookmarks can be chaotic. Finding wisdom within them? Even harder. We simplify the noise, turning bookmarks into concise knowledge digests. Start your knowledge journey now 👇

Loved by content creators, founders, and researchers.
Harsh Makadia
Harsh Makadia
Content creator / Founder

Most of the times I forget to read what I bookmarked on Twitter. Tweetsmash helps me schedule the digest and organize bookmarks better.Highly recommended for anyone who bookmarks a lot of tweets

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